Company bio
Algeco provides temporary housing solutions and modular units for various industries in the Netherlands. Customers choose Algeco because of the flexibility and adaptability to specific needs. These aspects also resonated with Askemo, say Tahira van Rooij (Inside Sales) and Irina Kuzminykh (Marketing Manager).
“It’s not just about the quality of the feedback, but also about the quantity.”
You were already using a platform for customer satisfaction. Why did you switch?
“We wanted to achieve more, more results, more feedback! We were getting stuck with our current platform and the options were limited. Through a colleague we were referred to askemo.”
We received as many responses within one month as we did in the entire previous year.
How is it that you’re now gathering more feedback?
“With askemo, our company name and personal name are included in the email. Customers know us, which makes it more personal and encourages them to respond. Our previous tool used a no-reply address, but askemo provides the option to reply to emails.”
Yet you wanted even more results?
“We have big ambitions in measuring and improving our customer satisfaction. In addition to asking a question by email, we also want to have telephone contact. That way we also get the last group along, who don’t respond to mails. Great that Roel said they actually didn’t call (yet) but they wanted to test this out with us. Immediately we started a three-month pilot.”
What did you notice during the pilot?
“First the customers who opened and read the mail but did not respond were called. Then other customers were called. We were really blown away by the results. We first received 66 responses in one year, now 66 within one month. We knew right away, of course, that we wanted to continue with this platform.”
Is that a lot, 66 responses in a month?
“That’s exceptional, especially for the B2B market. Every response counts, and we are grateful to have gone from a response rate between 4 and 8%, to a response rate between 50 and 60%. It’s not just about the quality of the feedback, it’s also about the quantity. If one customer criticizes, for example, the placement of a unit, you can’t do much with it. If it is repeated, we take quick and targeted action.”
It’s not just about the quality of the feedback, but also about the quantity.
Doesn’t it take more effort for the customer to call?
“On the phone, the script remains unchanged: just one simple question. Customers have the opportunity to go into detail, but only if they wish to. Askemo records the answers directly in the database, so customers don’t have to follow up via email.”
What happens to all that feedback?
“We receive the results from askemo and share it with the relevant department. If there is a detractor (a customer with criticism) we share it with management. Management immediately calls this customer and internally we discuss what concrete steps we can take. In this way we are continually improving our service and we resolve most inconveniences immediately.”
What changes for the colleagues at Algeco?
“The team is very pleased with the amount of responses. Due to the high response rate, we can now truly see what people think of us. The more responses you receive, the closer you get to the reality.”
The more responses you receive, the closer you get to reality.
So, has your work become more enjoyable because of that?
“Yes, actually! We share customer feedback such as ‘nice contact’ or ‘great help’ with the whole team. It’s not a competition among ourselves, just that it’s super cool to receive a 9 or 10 from a customer!”
Are you, like Algeco, also looking for an automated, accessible way to gain more insights into what your customers are thinking?
Please contact us to discuss your situation and challenges. We would love to get in touch to see how we can help you improve and save time! Contact us