What is askemo?

Do you have a specific question and are you looking for a quick answer?

Check our 'How to' section and save time!

📖 Intro

Feedback should be fast and easy!

Askemo is an online feedback solution for businesses. We allow businesses to receive more and better feedback from the people that matter most: customers and employees. With askemo you receive response rates up to 80%.

We do not send long and boring surveys nobody wants to answer. We do not send trafficlights or emojis that lack qualitative feedback.

We do send short surveys that are all about getting more answers and better answers. The goal is to receive real-time and relevant data, transform the data into information and optimize your service.

🚀 Quick-Start: Jump right in

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

pageCreate your first askemopageTesting and sending!pageAnalyse Results and TrendspageSetup User Access

🤓 Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of askemo to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

pageBuild askemo ProjectspageAdd Contacts (Recipients)pageSend your askemopageAdd and assign AlertspageChoose an interface (Skin)pageDraft invite Texts (e-mail and SMS)pageReview and act on resultspageTurn data into management informationpageSettings & Security

🙋‍♂️ How to...?

Our FAQ section: Fast and easy answers to your questions.

pageAdmin FAQ

Unable to find your question? 👇

📫 Contact us. We will give you an answer directly and add your question to this document.

Last updated